Talk like a mortgage broker - your guide to the finance lingo
While Lenny is a strictly Finance Bro-free zone, there is some terminology that we use every day, that you might not be familiar with. We’ve put together a Lenny Mortgage Dictionary to break down some of the most common phrases you might hear, and exactly what they mean.
How to improve your credit score
If it’s time for you to start investigating your finance options, there’s a possibility you’re having a minor crisis about your credit score, and how that might impact your ability to secure finance and purchase a home.
Who you need on your home-buying dream team
A solid way to pave a smooth pathway to settlement is by starting with the right team in your corner, Your Home Buying Dream Team, as it were. Cheesy team t-shirts are optional but encouraged.
How to get competitive with your offer (And get the house)!
Not sure if you’ve heard, but the housing market right now is hotter than a potato being thrown around by The Wiggles. Prices have gone kaboom and there’s a lot of demand and not so much supply.
Your complete guide to home buyer incentives in Australia
From Tassie to the Territory, from the West Coast to the East, we’ve rounded up a comprehensive list of government schemes and incentives designed to help home buyers in 2024, whether it’s your first home or a fresh start.
Your offer has been accepted! Now what?
You’ve received the call from the listing agent with the great news that the vendors have accepted your offer, and you might be thinking ‘great, what do I do now?’. We’ve put together this handy little guide to step you through the motions to hopefully get you from offer to settlement with ease, enjoyment and zero stress.
2024 property market predictions
As we step into 2024, the property market stands at a crossroads, and the questions surrounding its trajectory are on everyone's minds. In our latest blog, we delve into our predictions for the year ahead. Brace yourself for potential interest rate cuts, as we foresee a shift later in the year, signaling a prime time for property exploration and purchase.
A favourable mortgage
Have you got a family member who wants to give you a little head start in the property game? Whilst some might choose to offer a gift of cash or perhaps to go guarantor on a property for you, there is another set of circumstances we occasionally see at Lenny.
What to do when your bank’s valuation is too low: a case study
Purchasing a home or block of land should be an exciting time in your life. A time full of joy, planning and visualising. Picturing where you’ll have your Sunday morning coffee while you read the paper, dinner parties with family and friends, and the placement of that heirloom piece of furniture.
Should I “Fix” My Interest Rate?
Fixing your interest rate gives you some surety about the cost of your repayments which is important to some people.